This Missionary Association has the proposition of reaching the following goals:
Associazione Missionaria Evangelica "Gesų č il Signore" ·  Codice Fiscale: 91002510807
Sede Legale: Via Carbone traversa II - 89015, Palmi (RC)
Registrata a Palmi (R.C.) il 05.11.1996 al N° 1377 S. I
Sito realizzato da Openlinx

Gesų č il SIGNORE
Missionary Association
The love of Jesus unto the uttermost  of the world
a. Sustain and carry out
evangelisations through
public manifestations,
concerts, pamphlet printing
and tv/radio broadcast.

b. Search a spiritual mutual
teaching between believers
through young or pastor meetings.

c. Defend the spiritual and ethical principles that have been passed on by our fathers in faith according to The Scriptures (Judas verse 3)

d. Carry out christian and social activities by building churches, community centers, orphanages and care centers for elders in Italy and abroad.
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